About Us
aWhat began as an urgent need to heal from her mother's murder, Megan has turned into a community of healed women and men across the globe.
Our Vision
To create liberating experiences for those who can no longer hear themselves through the noise and remind them of their Soul’s purpose.

Our Mission
To be the number one advocate for self-worth by empowering individuals through accelerated methods and exclusive liberating experiences that crush barriers, uplift lives and honor the uniqueness of humanity.

Our Founder and President
Megan McGlover is an award winning oratorical speaker, comedic mentor, healthy-culture enthusiast, author and philanthropist
who has perfected the blend of comedy and truth-telling.
Raised in Southern California under the strict tutelage of her mother and grandmother, Megan began her oratorical speaking career at the age of three. Since that tender age, she has appeared and spoken at enumerable engagements including;, University California Irvine, UCR, UCLA, Riverside Community College, numerous Martin Luther King celebrations, NAACP ceremonies, selected key-note speaker for the honoree Dick Gregory, among so many others. She is the recipient of the “Distinctive Person of the Year” award by the NAACP, First place award winner for the National Youth Congress, and many other prestigious accommodations.
For as long as Megan could speak she has mesmerized young and old alike with her distinctive tone and impressive memory. Along with her extraordinary focus, she has merged her talents into a gift of pure delight.
She’s been on 11Alive News, The National Weather Channel (TWC), NewsMax, Fox Soul, magazines, countless podcast, articles and blogs along with her viral videos being used as sound/video-bites worldwide including ESPN, FOX, and CNN.
Her debut book MEGAN’S THOUGHTS dares to discuss topics that most wont touch. Destined to focus on the differences in perspective within diverse social norms, it aims to help see another’s point of view while giving tools that assist in better decision making… all while making you LAUGH OUT LOUD! Simply put, the book is good and should be on the nightstands of men, women, politicians, the prudish and the nudist. It will make you think and it may even make you change your mind.
Megan has recently launched “Talking Good”, a podcast platform for millions to join-in on the conversation of her explicit opinions, thorough research and genuine curiosity for a better way. Her second book, STOP LYING has truly set the world ablaze with truth that simply can not be denied.
Stop Lying is an incredible journey of understanding what lies truly are and how they affect every orifice of our lives. Megan has also launched a new show, “Petty Tuesdays” on her YouTube channel, McGloverful. With visitant co-hosts, amazing guests and up-to-date news on all things (including the politics), “Petty Tuesdays” will get down to the rut-gut truth about the lives we chose to live while laughing at the boldness of Megan’s enlightened views. As a Life Coach, Megan has counseled enumerable persons and families as far as London, Ireland, Australia to the United States with therapeutic technics that have assisted in transformational outcomes in her clients. Her greatest honor has been to create The Remedy 4 U Foundation, a 501C3 Non-profit therapeutic hyper-intensive retreats providing Women, Men, Couples and Families with a safe-space to Heal. Megan McGlover is the president and founder of the Remedy 4 U Foundation, Inc which focuses on self-help,
women’s empowerment and mental health advocacy.
The Southern New Hampshire and Walden University alum is currently defending her doctoral studies in the philosophy of Social Psychology at Walden University and is a sought-after speaker, emcee, host, commentator, motivator and correspondent on many topics. Her seminars and workshops are flooded with testimonials from attendees that felt the warmth and support Megan provides as they used the tools to fix their choices, their lives and inevitably their future. Simply put, Megan is leading the charge for truth one family at a time.

Tell The Truth
In her compelling follow-up to the acclaimed “Stop Lying,” bestselling author Megan McGlover delves deep into the transformative power of truth in her latest masterpiece, “Tell the Truth.” With a unique blend of wisdom, wit, and real-life anecdotes, McGlover takes readers on an introspective journey, challenging them to confront the lies they tell themselves and others…………..